Monday, March 28, 2011


Christianity is a very mystical religion. Not in the traditional sense, simply in the sense that vast amounts of Christianity don’t really make sense and there will always about huge amounts of knowledge that we cannot and will not ever have. God is not meant to be understood and neither is Christianity. Holiness comes from striving after God in all areas of one’s life. Sometimes God our lives don’t make sense. Sometimes what God seems to be doing in our lives doesn’t make sense. He is the supreme ruler and creator of the universe and we are just tiny human beings. How could we possibly hope to understand what is really going on when we are such a tiny portion of the universe that God created with a single breath? This really hit home for me because I see myself trying to learn as much about Christianity and learn as much as I can about the bible in order that I might better understand God and better understand life when that is not even close to what life is really all about. God is a mystery and his plan for my life is a mystery, and that is why it takes faith to step out and tell God, “Here I am, use me.” 

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