Friday, September 30, 2011


If you know anything about business and charting growth on a graph then you know that, very simply put, it should look like this:

If your growth chart looks like this ^…then your business is growing steadily. Sure there will be ups and downs, but it should be a steady rise. If your business growth chart is stagnant, like the line below, then your business has ceased to function properly. You are no longer serving your purpose as a business.


If I asked you to chart your growth with God, what would it look like? Would it look like the successful, growing business, or the stagnant business? It might even be going negative, losing ground. The one/two question/s that have for you are this: 1) Are you closer to God than you have ever been in your life? If the answer is no…why not? Why are you not closer to God than you have ever been before? Just like the stagnant business, if your walk with God is stagnant, then you have ceased to function properly and you are no longer serving the purpose that God has intended.

Chart your growth. Just grab a scrap piece of paper. On the left side, start with your choice to follow Jesus. Form there on, what factors and events in your life have either helped you grow spiritually or brought you down? Move your line up and down. Chart your growth and be honest with yourself. What has shaped your walk with God? When were you closest to him? What’s stopping you now? What’s getting in your way now? What are your roadblocks? What’s preventing you from growing closer to God now? We all have something that is holding us back. We may have 2 somethings or 10 somethings. Just like with a business, you need to identify the roadblocks and get rid of them. We are created to grow toward God, and if we stop growing toward Him, we will cease to function properly. 

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