Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Devil is Busy

God is in control. God rules over everything. He is all-powerful. He has a plan and his plan is being carried out. His plan for redemption and salvation can be thwarted by nothing, not even Satan. Does that mean that Satan has no power? Not at all. John 12:31 refers Satan as “the prince of this world”. In Luke 4, Satan offers Jesus authority and power and Jesus does not challenge him when he claims the world has been given to him. The devil is busy. He is out to steal, kill and destroy.

In The Screwtape Letters, through the mind of a demon, CS Lewis says, “It will be quite impossible to remove spirituality from his life. Very well then, we must corrupt it.” Romans 8:38-39 tells us that if we are true Christians, we cannot be separated from the love of God. The devil knows that. He knows that once we have grown to a certain level of Christianity, he cannot remove the spirituality from our lives. But what he can do and does, is corrupt it. And we make it extremely easy for him.

If you are a Christian that is struggling in your relationship with God or that does not feel connected to the Vine, then your spirituality may have been corrupted. The devil is busy and he will stop at nothing to corrupt your walk with God. He will infect your spirituality. He will contaminate it. He will defile, degrade, and depreciate it. He will tear it down until you come to a point where you don’t walk with God at all anymore.

But know this, Jesus is stronger. Jesus is more powerful. Jesus is mightier. Jesus has already won the battle. All you have to do is pick yourself up and fight back. If you are alive, you can resist the devil. James 4:7 says, “Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” If your Christianity has been corrupted, resubmit yourself to God. Resist the devil and his infectious poisonous corruption, and he will flee from you. Submit to God, and you will be rescued from corruption.  


  1. This reminds me of this Martin Luther quote-

    "For where God built a church, there the Devil would also build a chapel."

    In my experience, it is so important to be aware that the devil is always lurking, trying to feed us lies, discourage, and corrupt us. Sometimes believing these lies is far too easy for our sinful, human selves. That's why just being aware of dumb ol' satan's techniques is half the battle. Luckily for us, we are on the winning side and always have Jesus as our never changing, never failing truth. I am so so grateful for that!

  2. That is a great quote Alyssa! You are absolutely right! We are on the winning side and we ought to be eternally grateful and thankful!
