Monday, October 10, 2011

Wanted: Dead or Alive?

What is the devil’s goal? What is he trying to accomplish? It is a common misconception that the devil’s goal is to kill you, to take away your life, to ruin your life on earth. While these might be part of the devil’s attack, these are not his primary goals. His primary goal is to steal you from Jesus. The devil’s primary goal is to do whatever it takes to make you lose sight of Jesus, where all you can see is yourself. He may want to kill you, but if your soul belongs to Jesus, then what good are you to him dead? If you already serve the Master of the universe, he cannot make you his slave. Maybe making your earthly life difficult is part of that attack, but it is just as likely that the devil will make your life “good”. He will give you want you want. He will make you think you’ve got it right.

Sometimes getting what we want is just enough to distract us from Jesus. Sometimes having money, success, even people that we love, can be our downfall if Christ is not the center. The devil may trick you into thinking that your Christianity is real Christianity. He may trick you into thinking that you are worshipping God when you are really worshipping yourself. 1 John tells us to examine our faith, and ourselves and to put it to test. Don’t let the devil tell you what Christianity is. Look in the bible and examine yourself. 

Even as Christians, we can be tricked by the devil, and he can use us. He can use our actions and our choices to affect other people. He can use your one little slip up to get inside the soul of a lost person. We are called to a higher standard as Christians. Do not be fooled by the devil’s lie that because you have been saved, you cannot be touched. 

You are no good to the devil dead. He is not trying to kill you unless you are so on fire for God that he cannot twist your life and actions into sin. We ought to strive for this state. We ought to strive to be so in tune with the voice of God and truth that we cannot be corrupted. We ought to want the devil to want us dead. If he wants us dead, then we are no good to him. Live for Christ, and do not let the devil trick you. Do not let him use you.  

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